Thursday, 12 June 2008

Pyramid head

I saw quite possibly the strangest thing ever in Borders this evening. A guy was in there browsing the shelves, just like everyone else, except this bloke had a gold-coloured hollow pyramid thing on his head. Like a hat, but a metal-rimmed prism with nothing in the middle. I cannot for the life of me find anything online that can explain to me what this signifies, and since I am an information addict this is frustrating me greatly! I wasn't the only one who spotted it - he was getting lots of weird looks from fellow shoppers and other than the thing on his head he looked pretty normal. Can anyone shed some light on this for me please?!

I can only presume the guy is a big fan of comics:


Anonymous said...

I've seen someone wearing one before - it looked like the one in these pictures:

I think people wear them because they're a bit odd and have seen too many episodes of the X-files. They seem to reckon that pyramids have magic healing powers whose advantages will offset all the disadvantages of people thinking that you're a madman with a hat that lets the rain in.

There's some stuff about the wierd stuff people believe here:

I don't think we're alone in spotting these pyramid hats (I wish I could remember where I saw mine - it was within the last year I think), google brought this up:

Anyway, everyone knows it's tinfoil hats and not pyramid ones we should all be wearing:

hayjane said...

Wow, thank you! Who are you...?!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot you wouldn't know who I am. Shall I pretend to be someone exciting, or will that just make it anti-climactic when you find out who I am?

hayjane said...

Damn, so I know you already?! And here's me thinking some random person had stumbled across my blog. Fess up!

Anonymous said...

I am a random person stumbling across your blog - for I too saw Pyramid Head man last night! He was sitting down in the Borders Starbucks on Oxford Street. We asked for his chair and then noticed the pyramid. He is awkward as hell.

I believe his powers must be growing stronger everyday. Or his mentalness.

wmmvrrvrrmm said...

well it's one of these

it's very good in terms of what it says it does at this page

Kitty said...

I just saw him this weekend!I was leaving Forbidden Planet and he walked in..nicely dressed in a smart suit with a golden pyramid on his bonce:)
There are so many hits on the web about's hilarious!

Anonymous said...

lol Im looking for the same thing I went to an exhibition in london the friday just gone the anish kapoor one and some fella was wandering round with the exact same object you descripe on his noggin wierd and attracted a lot of stares and giggles honestly how is anyone supposed to apreciate the art world when you get arty farty pretensious nutters tainting it =P

Anonymous said...

Saw the very same thing last week in HMV on Oxford Street. Ordinary looking man, about 6'2" with dark hair, wearing a suit and a pyramid as described by others on his head

hayjane said...

Hello everyone,

Glad to se e people are stumbling across my little blog by searching for the pyramid hat thing!

Best wishes for the new year,


Anonymous said...

Hi, I've seen him twice, once in Leicester Square & once in Pret on Oxford Street. The second time he had a Forbidden Planet plastic bag.

James said...

Hi , see my photos of the man at the linked page. Their all from behind but you should be able to see the pyramid.

hayjane said...

Brilliant stuff. He really is a London legend. He has even commented on this post I do believe ( up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Hold on (original & disappointing Anonymous here), are we assuming it's always the same man? Might it not be multiple people with the same pyramid predilection? I think when I saw the pyramid thing it was on a head in Borders in Cambridge...

hayjane said...

Dear 'Anonymous' (Rudi). Yes, I reckon it's the same guy in all locations. Look at the similarities between the comments: 'Oxford Street', 'Borders', 'Forbidden Planet', 'suit'. Perhaps the legend himself can confirm?

Anonymous said...

Saw this guy yesterday on the Jubilee Line. He did, as pervious posters say, generate much nudging and smirking. At least my 7 year old daughter waited until he got off until asking was he a nutter.

Anonymous said...

well actually i've seen about 3 people before with one of those on their head.
but the guy i saw today fits the same description, dark hair, suit, gold pyramid thingy on his head...bizarre

hoobs said...

I am sitting next to him on the met line. Hes perusing the evening standard and scratching his head through the pyracap thing.. he also has a weird laminated book with circular sheets of paper with the letter e on every other sheet. In..sane

Anonymous said...

Same guy, Oxford street, smartly dressed, tweed suit. I was utterly perplexed. Initially thought it might be something to do with posture, but that doesn't add up. Otherwise he looked incongruous. Scientology perhaps? Or something equally batty....

Anonymous said...

Oops, that's him up there! Sorry old chap. Odd however that someone would subscribe to Edgar Cayce's sodding pyramid hat for £1000 then have the incertitude to google it, find a relevant blog thread then post on it in support. The same person who browses sci fi ephemera in Forbidden Planet. It figures. I think Dr Fred Bell (he of the site linked by pyramid man above) should plough some of the margin he makes wholesaling super crystals into a website that doesn't look like it was made by his sons school friend back in 1990 If the world ends in 2012 and the Japanese did find the secrets of the ancient Egyptians in the right paw of the sphynx then this guy is going to look justifiably smug when he strides down post with some neatly bent copper rods atop his crown

wmmvrrvrrmm said...

'Oxford Street', 'Borders', 'Forbidden Planet', 'suit', does seem to add up to me indeed although it is not exactly a suit I'm wearing but the jacket is a smart one. I do miss the Charing Cross Road Borders, but I have not been to Cambridge in about two decades plus.

People I know sometimes look for reports about myself and tell me about them, I find it awfully amusing and don't see a problem in contributing to a thread on the matter. My pyramid costs only about £35 and I find it just to be a useful device for focusing my mind not being worn out so much by the central London pollution. I haven't seen anyone else wearing a pyramid although many people ask me where to get them from so maybe there might be a few others who have bought one since asking me. I heard a couple of years ago that there have been a few people wearing them in High Street Kensington and there have been people wearing them around Camden.

Indeed I do have a Muji photo album book full of circular symbols with what looks like the letter "e" everywhere, I never found out the reason for the "e". I agree it is a weird. I like weird things.

wmmvrrvrrmm said...

for focusing my mind not being worn out = for focusing my mind and not being worn out

hayjane said...

Hello there Mr Wmmvrrvrrmm! Thank you for taking the time to present your point of view on this thread, much appreciated. I can feel a follow-up post coming on about how the blogosphere is a small world!

Unknown said...

Yes yes yes I can't believe I found this. I was a little bit tipsy after watching the England game against Slovenia in Leicester Square and saw this guy and due to my state just ran right up to him and had a chat about it.

He said it's something to do with pollution and it helps him focus his mind and if he doesn't wear it he gets very stressed by the time he gets home because of the pollution.

Hope that helps answer it :)

Anonymous said...

Posting from the States:
I just saw an old hippie looking guy with a long beard wearing one at a Home Depot in Conecticut (near New York). I think its spreading. . .

Anonymous said...

This is the man himself, being stalked!

hayjane said...

That is indeed the fellow. Let's hope the gentleman in question - who is following this comment thread - doesn't mind being filmed!

Gavin Peters said...

Pyramid Head is alive and well, he was coming out of Pret a Manger opposite long Acre, with a friend. He has a nice medallion also. He is balding, so not good for the hair, clearly. Gavin.

Anonymous said...

Sat opposite him on a Chiltern Train today!
Thought it was a surgical brace at first and then decided it was maybe something to do with sacred geometry.
I found the crowd of drunk teenage girls far more offensive that an quiet man wearing an unusual hat :)

Tia's Mummy! said...

Hello, we saw him in forbidden planet last week. Very seriously browsing his comics.

I have to say that I think you are fantastic Mr wmmvrrvrrmm! Can I ask you what the relevance of the gold circular necklace was? Or did you just like it?

JM said...

I've seen Mr. wwwmmmmvvvrrrmmm too, at least once, and found this by googling 'gold pyramid on head' to investigate. He was walking past Leicester Square tube towards/on Long Acre.

Anonymous said...

Saw him today at baker street station, turned to the internet for some explanation of his strangeness and stumbled on so many blogs of people who have seen him haha. Someone even recorded this video..

I cannot believe it. He looks like a university lecturer or something so odd.

ADeeperMeaning said...

I saw him a few weeks ago on a tube in London (not a Londoner and wasn't paying much attention so I'm not able to tell you which line it was.) but it was so strange! We were so tempted to ask him why he was wearing it but we thought it might offend him if it were a religion of some type, so we just left it. Got to say it was an interesting ride, with the majority of the people staring at him; he was just sat there reading a book.

Anonymous said...

I know it's been a very long time, but I stumbled across this gentleman on the Overground back from Wembley Central on Wednesday 30th April 2014.

Now that I've read this blog I feel like I was in the presence of a demi-God without knowing, but I sensed, and he sensed that I had sensed; it was a fairly comfortable moment.


Anonymous said...

Saw him - or someone like him - in Kew Gardens today. Didn't like to stare - thought maybe he was having some strange medical treatment. It must take a certain amount of guts to walk around wearing something like that.


Anonymous said...

I saw a man where a pyramid on his head in the Cheese Factory in Tillamook Oregon today. He was dressed in all white and carrying a crystal wand. Everyone was watching him

Anonymous said...

Spotted in Caffè Nero, Pinner. Tweed suit. Stupid woo-woo hat.

Anonymous said...

Saw the pyramid head man last week at Foyles book shop in London wandering around the philosophy section, smart jacket and all. Google for the hat and got here.

Jane C said...

I saw him yesterday in forbidden planet, struck me as a calming, thoughtful interesting man, which was nice amidst all the chaos as the day ended, it was near closing time- just like us he'd managed to be there ten minutes before it shut. Content and pleased like myself I'm sure.

I didn't take a photo, I googled today and found out a lot about him. It's made my day 😁 I'm sure I'll see him next time too.....

Jane C said...
