Saturday, 28 June 2008

Giving blogging a bad name

Yes I know I haven't written this for a while. Sorry fans. Haha, have just got home after watching Bon Jovi tonight and am a tad tipsified. The gig / concert was amaaazing, and I must praise the Twickenham staff - everyone we spoke to there was extremely helpful and knowledgeable. *Tip* If you can't be arsed to queue for the cash machine, go into the rugby shop and buy a pencil for 50p on your card (or, if you're in a generous / drunk mood like me, an extra-special pink fluffy one for a tad more moolah) and get cashback - sooo much quicker. AND you get a pencil - woooo!


Anonymous said...

oh NO - don't let Prudle read how much it cost you to make her a Twickers Chick!!!!!!! great tipsified advice though...will remember it next time I'm at a Jovi concert.

hayjane said...

Don't worry anonymous ISC commenter - the pencil I chose for Pru was an extra-special non-50p one!! I just seem to simply recall that the cheapest thing in there was a 50p pencil...

arlene k said...

Lovely phrase: "a tad tipsified!" :-)